Whereas sounding for medical treatment typically involves the use of sterile metal or plastic dilators, a variety of objects and liquids may be used for the purpose of recreational sounding. A recent Google™ search of the phrase ‘urethral sounding’ produced over 550 000 results, many of them pertaining to recreational sounding and complete with instructions and diagrams on the procedure. Insertion of objects into the urethra has been associated with accidents as well as a variety of psychological illnesses, but the most common reason reported in the medical literature for deliberate urethral insertion is erotic gratification. Urethral sounding is also performed outside the scope of medical practice by individuals for a variety of reasons. Sounding may be used in urological surgery for dilatation of strictures or for obtaining access to the bladder.
Urethral sounding is the insertion of an object or liquid into the urethra. Sexual activities that may be erotic to one individual may be abhorrent to another therefore, an individualized approach to assessment and treatment of sexual problems, tailored to the patient’s unique circumstances, is required for the provision of effective sexual health services. There is tremendous diversity in human sexual expression. Satisfying sexual function is an important quality-of-life issue and a human right.